We've Got Quite the Team!

This month we're celebrating our Graduate Fellow Attorneys and their accomplishments. We hired two new Fellows this fall and are sending off our third this month.

The Graduate Fellow Attorney position at the Conservation Law Center aims to give recent graduates practice in the field. Fellows work with the center for 1-2 years and then continue to work for both public and private firms; we have former Fellows now working with Earthjustice, Beveridge & Diamond, and the Tennessee Attorney General's office.

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CJ Buehner (left)

CJ is leaving the Center this month. For the past year, CJ worked to protect 1,500 acres of wetlands and represented clients on a variety of matters. We're celebrating CJ for his hard work both as a Graduate Fellow Attorney and as a former CLC Intern at the IU McKinney Law School.

Bruce "Bo" Mahr (center)

Bo is a recent Fellow who joined the CLC in September. He has already devoted many hours to an important project for the Center. He has been researching the rights of advocacy groups. Bo was recently admitted to the Bar in New York State. Congratulations, Bo!

Joe Brinkman (right)

Joe, our most recent Fellow, was admitted to the Bar last month. He has been working on local matters since joining the Center and will use his expertise in Environmental Law to take over CJ's work on wetlands restoration. Great work, Joe! 

Water, ConservationLily